Coach's Update


Hello, UO Club runners — (Saturday, September 7, 2024)

We’ve added a dual meet with OSU again to our cross country schedule, Saturday, October 12, in the morning. It’ll be low-key as always, 5km on Amazon Trail. It’s the same day as the Ohio State football game here. (We are NOT invited to run in the Dellinger meet on Friday, October 11).

The Run with the Duck 5km will be Friday, October 25. It’s been free for students in the past.

We’re two weeks away from our first run together on Monday, September 23, 10am on the intramural field next to the rec center!

Thirty newcomers … welcome, all!

Our volleyball crew did a great job on the sideline in three matches last weekend. Our next match is Sunday Sept 22 vs Oregon State at 1pm.

We’ll probably do our McKenzie River day trip in early NOVEMBER this year.


We’re in good hands with our student leadership this year!

Iris Duxbury, coordinator,
Avery Hackenberg, assistant coordinator,
Carter Philips, assistant coordinator,
Kelsey Eiesland, webmaster,


It’s easy. Just go to There’s a link to every state!

The national election is coming in November and many of you have never voted before. Some of you will be living outside of your home state for the first time this fall.

Now is the time to sort out how you can vote in November! Figure it out now while you’re at home. Don’t wait until classes have started and you’re away from home.

It’s important for all of us that YOU vote this fall.


The Running Club is a great way to get together with other students to enjoy running!

We’ll start meeting on Monday, September 23 (the week before classes start), at 10am on the intramural field next to the rec center.

When fall term classes begin, our runs will be weekdays at 3pm, meeting on the intramural field next to the rec center. ‘Show up when you can! ‘Want to run in races? Everything we do is optional! You race if you wish. And the races are really varied!

Sprinters might arrange other workout times but everyone is welcome at 3pm on school days! Together, we can create on-the-field fall conditioning.

Tuesdays will have a “hard day” option, a workout everyone can do. Thursdays (or Fridays) we will have another chance to do something more than a relaxed run, if you wish.

We have a race opportunity every weekend for the first month of school. You choose which (if any) you want to do. Some are very low-key; some are more competitive. No races at all? Fine!

There are some much longer races in November.

We’ll have our traditional day-trip up the McKenzie, probably on the first week of November…


We will charge $50 to be in the Running Club for the whole 2024-25 school year. We have a fundraising requirement to be a Club Sport. And every van which we drive to a meet in Oregon or a weekend excursion costs our Club about $100.

So, your first week of Club attendance will be free. After that it’s $50 for the rest of the school year. What a bargain!

Cash is always good, but we’ll have a couple of ways you’ll be able to go online too.


The low-key 5km Pre’s Trail Run, a coed cross country race, was held last night here in Eugene. Club member Henry Axon won in 16:42. Jai Shah got fourth in 19:07. It was hot and smokey!


We now have three weeks until school starts. Here is Week #7, beginning September 9:

Hill reps -- Do 20-30 minutes of hill running, like two weeks ago. Run up, jog down. Don’t run faster or harder than race effort uphill...very easy on the downhill unless the downhill is very gentle. The 20-30 minutes is total running time including both uphill and downhill, excluding warmup and cooldown.

Later in the week:

Cruise intervals -- 3-5 x 4:00 with just 1:00 jog recovery. You should know now that these reps are run at lactate threshold, the same as tempo run pace (One hour race pace). Cruise intervals are a tempo run broken up into repetitions with very short rest. Some people feel that cruise intervals are less stressful than a tempo run. Others feel that it’s easier to find a groove doing a tempo run, and that the speeding up and slowing down in a cruise interval workout is challenging.

Long run -- same as last week.

—— Week #6 is below ——

a) 4-5 x 3:00 (current XC race pace) with 2-3:00 jog-walk. Do this on a soft surface, not pavement.

b) On another day, do relaxed strides...10-15, with 1:00 of walk and jog between. Do every third stride harder than the others. Run this on track, grass or dirt...not pavement.

c) On another day, during your easy run, do two brisk reps of 4:00...these are just at lactate threshold. They should feel good! Remember, that’s “one-hour race pace”. You don’t look like you’re just out for an easy run.

d) Increase your weekly long run by one mile if that seems reasonable. The goal is to be able to do 12-15 miles routinely during the season, on the weekend.


We’re up to 30 newcomers for fall term. The list grows! Welcome, all!

Mackenzie Thomas
Marion Center Area HS, Pennsylvania

Nathaniel Carrasco
grad student

Emmanuel Moes
Kingston HS, Kingston WA

Daphne Vostral Schauer
Bothell HS WA

Olivia Reid
Biship Manogue HS, Reno NV

Hayden Brandt
PhD student

Lynell Cuddy
transfer, Reno NV

Katherine Gregory (Kate)
St. John’s College HS, Maryland

Alessi Kwan
Northfield HS, Denver CO

Ella Nuttbrock
UO soph, Grant HS, Portland

Luke Parks
UO Law School

Zoe Brown

Brandon King
Junior, Portland Community College

Thomas Osborne
Grad student, St. Mary’s College, Moraga CA

Erinn Varga
Iowa City West HS, Iowa

Ashton Curl
Sophomore, Florida State College — Jacksonville

Mason Tengel
Ironwood Ridge HS, Oro Valley AZ

Wesley Pheffer
Wiregrass Ranch HS, Wesley Chapel, FLA

Greg Braggin
grad student

Nick Ruff

Johnathan Propes
Perrydale HS, OR

Amy Harding

Trevor Dix
sophomore, Ithaca College, NY

Nikhil Gujadhur
frosh, Mauritius

Erika Danzer
Regis Jesuit HS, Denver, CO

Charlie Kramer
Ida B. Wells HS, Portland OR

Daniel Ward
New Bedford, MASS

Jose (JJ) Rios
Bishop Gorman HS, NV

Erik Barr Zeilon
exchange student, Sweden

Kiley Crownholm


All the races through September 13, you’ll have to enter and travel on your own. Our first team race will be the Mike Johnson Classic at Western Oregon U in Monmouth on Friday, Sept 27. We might have to carpool. Most newcomers could be doing Week of Welcome events that day.

Here are some cross country events in Oregon this fall:

Fri, Sept 6 OTC Pre’s Trail Run Alton Baker Park 5km

Fri, Sept 13 Ash Creek Collegiate 5pm Monmouth

Fri, Sept 27 Mike Johnson Monmouth

Sat, Oct 5 Willamette Inv Salem, Bush Park

NEW: Sat, Oct 12 “Platypus” dual vs OSU Club, 5km, Amazon Trail, Eugene

Sat, Oct 19 L&C Invit McIver Park, Estacada
Sat, Oct 19 George Oja Inv Oak Knoll GC outside Salem

NEW: Fri Oct 25 Run with the Duck, 5km road race, next to campus, free
Sat, Oct 26 Bushnell Invit Pine Ridge GC Springfield


‘Need a culminating event for your fall term running? How about the Run to Stay Warm on November 24? It’s in Eugene, just two miles from campus! There is half-marathon, also a 10K and a 5K. Details at:

‘See you,

Tom Heinonen



Who we are. What we do!

UO Running Club gives students the chance to get together to run, train and race. Most of our sessions are steady runs. A couple of days each week we offer harder training sessions (intervals, repetitions, hills, tempo runs, cruise intervals).

The club is coached by Tom Heinonen, a member of the US Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Hall of Fame who coached the University of Oregon women for nearly three decades. In his time coaching the women, he transformed the team from a young program into an NCAA powerhouse. He retired in 2003 to start the club and has been coaching it since.

In the Fall, we compete in collegiate cross country races throughout Oregon, then finish our season at the NIRCA Championships, where we face other college clubs. In the Spring, we enter in collegiate track meets. Several of our runners earn the opportunity to race at Hayward Field each spring. There are road races throughout the year.

We have a wide range of talent and commitment levels, from recreational runners to All-Americans.

Club members receive an e-mailed workout schedule for the following week every Sunday. There is no fee to join the club.

All running sessions are optional. To join, just show up to one of the practices or contact one of us.

The Running Club is a great way to get together with students and to enjoy running!



'Starting a Running Club?
'Building Your Club?

Read this, a document written by our Club leaders!


Ticket Jones is a proud sponsor of the University of Oregon RunningClub. We handle a variety of sporting event tickets including the NCAA Final Four, NHL Hockey, and the Pro Bowl. Our packages such as Broadway theatre performances and concerts can be ordered world-wide. Domestic events center around football games, (college football and NFL), US Open Tennis tournaments, and College Bowl games. Internationally we focus on soccer matches. Local favorite teams include the Boston Celtics, New England Patriots, and the Boston Red Sox. Tour packages are available for MLB Baseball, exciting PBR and NFR rodeo events, Grandslam Tennis, NASCAR and all Washington Wizards basketball games.