Hey there, UO Club runners — (Sunday, October 11, 2020)
We’ve got our routine down now for daily runs. You’re being thoughtful about pedestrians and diligent about wearing masks. Let’s keep it going! You can keep all of us safe.
Are you ready for the Magical Mystery Tour of intrasquad races? All you need to know is below…
- Wear a face covering to our 3pm runs. We meet Monday through Friday on the IM field next to the rec center.
- Because we’re two weeks into fall term, our COVID testing request has been eliminated as has the seven-day quarantine period away from the Club.
- It’s time for your $20 donation. Details below.
- Our Club rules for attendance are repeated at the bottom of this email.
- 42 runners have attended over the first two weeks. Yay!
MANDATORY ONLINE SIGN-UP (same as last week)
Before you do your first run with the group, you MUST submit the online Club registration form.
Here, again, is the link to sign-up. Like voting, do it as soon as you can!
These five Club members have already donated:
Bretten Farrell, Riley Farrell, Ana Huizar, Kiley Durkin, James Forkner
We ask you for a donation of only $20 to the Running Club this fall, not $50. No travel, no cross country, so just $20. First week is free.
We take cash!
Or you can go to our website <uorunning.com>. In the upper right corner click on “donate”, then “electronic donation”. We are the “Club Sports Running Fund”. If you donate online, please tell Eric or Magda or Jake when you see them at workout.
Oregon Track Club hosts monthly races in Eugene. Last Thursday’s 5km on Pre’s Trail included three Running Club members:
16. Luke Schwenker 19:21
21. Keaton Ibendahl 19:50 3rd female
27. Zoey Bailey 21:12 4th female
77 finishers
Complete results at:
‘GETTING YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT? (same as last week)
If you haven’t requested your absentee ballot you must hurry! Here’s a website to show you how to vote in your state: <canivote.org>. Act now while there’s still time!
Most of you are eligible to vote in a national election for the first time.
This is vital to us all. It’s about your future and the future of our democracy.
Did you read this message last Friday?
On 2020-10-09, Eric R Beyerle wrote:Hi All,As I stated at practice today, I’m planning on putting on someintra-squad meets this fall. Right now, here is the schedule I amthinking:Oct. 17th — Pre’s Trail (5k)Oct 31st — Inaugural Josh Gordon Mt. Pisgah XC Classic (Distance TBD)Nov. 14th — Dorris Ranch (probably off-distance, 3k or 4k)Nov. 20th (Friday evening) — Amazon Twilight (most likely another 5kand the return of L-B-B-L)These are all within a reasonable biking distance of campus if youdon’t have a car (Pisgah is a bit of a stretch…)Rules:1) If you plan on participating, let me know one day during the weekbefore what your goal pace for that race is. I want to send people offin waves of about 5 or so, broken into pace groups.2) Don’t wear the running club singlet.3) You won’t have to wear a face covering during the race, but theseare public trails and we need to be mindful of others using themconcurrently. We’ve reserved Amazon Trail for the dual meet with OSUrunning club in past years, but I’m not sure we can do the same withDorris or Pre’s.If you want, form internal teams and we can keep team scores as a raceseries (don’t need to score the top 5; could be the top 3, etc. Noswitching teams halfway through!)And, as with everything right now, this is all subject to change. But,for now, the plan for the first intra-squad race will be a 10 am startfor the men and 10:30 am start for the women on Pre’s Trail themorning of Saturday October 17th. Here’s the course map for the 5k:It consists of the start, finish, and two laps of the (in)famousOregon Preview XC course.Eric
Most days we just go for relaxed runs. You decide where and how far you will go. Remember, masks on as you run cross campus, don’t run in a group, stay AWAY from pedestrians.
‘Want some suggestions for harder days?
How about a ladder on Pre’s Trail? Repetitions at cross country race pace…
1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 3:00, 2:00, 1:00 at XC race pace with 1-2:00 of jogging between.
Hills in Hendricks Park:
Run up, jog down…freelance as you explore Hendricks Park for 20-30 minutes. You can stop by Pre’s Rock on the way back!
Minute runs on Pre’s Trail or Rexius Trail:
The classic minute run is 60 seconds at cross country race pace, followed by just 30 seconds of jogging. If you can’t recover in 30
seconds, either slow down the 60-second run, walk the 30 seconds, or increase the jog to maybe 60 seconds. Now matter how you do it, the workout gets over pretty fast. Do at least 10 reps and no more than 20.
Tempo run or cruise intervals:
They’re both run at “lactate threshold” which is slower than 10km race pace and slower than XC race pace. A tempo run can be about 20 minutes of continuous running. It’s faster than your steady run pace but you don’t look like you’re racing. Cruise intervals are the exact same thing but with a minute of jogging after every 3-4 minutes. They’re pretty fun!
Every run we do is optional. Confused? Check with Eric or Jake or Magda.
SPRINTERS? (same as last week)
The beautiful new turf fields are open, the square track is open.
There’s a new grassy hill below the tennis building. Create your own workout! Rob Fritz will have some training ideas. He’s at
Most importantly, for safety, maintain your spacing. Have your mask with you at all times!
Two of our runners competed this week in the third of four rounds in this national series of virtual elimination races.
Eric Beyerle made it through the West semi-final, running 18:27 for 5km. He was the Pacific #4 runner again, in 15th place. Twenty-five racers made the final.
Josh Gordon got 30th in 19:56. He was the second masters finisher!
Today, Sunday, is actually the last day to try for the final. Results might change!
The national virtual final is 10km, to be run October 19-25.
All the info and results are here:
RACES HERE (same as last week)
These are NOT Running Club events. If you choose to enter any of these races, do NOT wear a Club singlet. Enter yourself “unattached”.
Sat, Oct 31 Costume Caper Eugene 10km, 5km
Sun, Nov 1 Autumn Trails Eugene 3.5 miles, 6 miles, 10 miles, 16 miles
Thur, Nov 26 Turkey Trot Eugene 2 miles, 4 miles
Thur, Nov 26 Turkey Stuffer Springfield 5km
Complete schedule at:
No longer requested before Club attendance.
- Self-check symptoms before arrival.
- Stay away from the walkway next to rec center. We will meet on the field wherever there are no other groups.
- Maintain 10 feet social distance at daily meeting and all running on fields.
- Leave bags/gear at daily meeting with clear separation. Better to not bring it!
- Wear a face covering/mask at daily meeting and wear it while running on campus.
- Run alone or in pairs while crossing campus, no grouping.
- Avoid pedestrians on sidewalks and at corners! Make it clear that our runners are trying to keep distanced from people!
Eric Beyerle, Jake Willard or Magda van Leeuwen will oversee our group.
- will ask if you’ve done a self-check for symptoms and will observe.
- will keep a daily attendance list for contact tracing purposes.
- will have a box of masks.
- will stay on the field until all runners have returned and will oversee runners until they leave practice.
- will encourage suggestions from runners.
We’ve got it going…
Please…help us be successful,
Tom Heinonen
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