Practice Time and Location
During fall, winter, and spring terms, we meet on school days at 3:00pm on the intramural field south of 15th Avenue, across the street from the Living Learning Center, and east of the REC. During the summer, Tom usually hosts runs from his house (see the directions below) at 8 am .
For specifics, or questions, email: Tom Heinonen
If it is raining , we will meet on the intramural field under the overhang of the rec center.
If we are due to meet off campus, we will meet as scheduled.
Where We Meet
Intramural Fields: We meet here, at the overhang under the REC, most days.
Tom’s House: We usually meet here for runs during the summer.
Amazon Trail: This trail is used for long repeats and tempo runs.
Hayward Field: During the Spring, we have our track workouts here.