Hey there, UO Club runners — (Saturday, January 30, 2021)
We have changes to our Tuesday track schedule this week! The morning session is now at 7:45am, not 8am. And the afternoon session is now at 2:15pm, not 3:15pm.
Reasons? It’s 7:45am so that people can be ready for morning classes. And it’s 2:15pm because the high school team must require the track CLOSED to the public for their workout at 3:30pm.
Our runs the other days of the week stay the same, 3pm on the IM field. Eric or I will be there for every run. Magda and Jake will usually be at work.
OSU track meet on February 12-13? Benton County forced OSU to cancel that meet. No meet!
Lane XC meet on Friday, February 19? We still MIGHT get in …hope to know by Thursday, February 4.
19 of you have now paid $20 to be in the Running Club. Anyone else?
New variants of COVID will make our protocols even more important. Protect yourself, protect me!
See? New times for Tuesday on the track!
Monday, February 1 — 3pm at IM field: easy run, optional strides, abs, planks.
Tuesday, February 2 — Track workout at South Eugene HS. TWO NEW TIME CHOICES! Arrive by 7:45am or 2:15pm with your warmup run done —
Middle distance runners AND distance runners: [STAY CONTROLLED…IT’S EARLY]
Drills, relaxed strides
1 x 1000 (5000m date pace) with 400m jog-walk
1-2 x 800m (5000m date pace, then last 200m faster) with 400m jog-walk
3-4 x 400m (3000m date pace, or cutdowns = each faster than previous) with 200m jog-walk
2-4 x 200m (1500m date pace, or cutdowns) with 200m jog-walk
Super-distance runners: 1200m, 1000m, 800m repeats with 400m jog…for 40 minutes.
Drills … pick from these sets:
3 x 50m (easy, relaxed stride) walk back…this is part of your warmup
2 x 150m (mix 50m segments of float and fast) with 150m walk-jog back to start
2 x 200m (second 100m faster) with 200m walk-jog
3-4 x 30m (quick) “standing falling” start from posture reset…walk back
1 x 300m (strong…get out quickly, hold it for 150m, then float a few meters, then attack to finish)
[How to get to South Eugene HS track: Jog south from campus to 24th Avenue, turn right on 24th and go past the stoplight at Hilyard. Continue on 24th a quarter-mile, look for the track on the right behind the tennis courts. If you drive, there is a free parking lot on the right, beyond the tennis courts.]
Wednesday, February 3 — 3pm at IM field: easy run, optional strides, abs, planks.
Thursday, February 4 — 3pm at IM field: easy run, optional strides, abs, planks.
Friday, February 5 — 3pm at IM field: easy end-of-week run or minute runs on Pre’s Trail… 8-12 x 1:00 (XC race pace) with 30 seconds jog between
Saturday, February 6 — exploring run on your own.
Sunday, February 7 — Yipes, it’s Super Bowl Sunday! Your longest run of the week, on your own. Then chips and guacamole.
19 people have now paid $20 to be in the Running Club. Thank you Prince Jones and Themi Frangias:
Bretten Farrell, Riley Farrell, Ana Huizar, Kiley Durkin, James Forkner, Juliette Wheeler, Marika Tammaru, Aaron Moskowitz, Thomas Brugnara, Rachel Peterson, Keaton Ibendahl, Eric Beyerle, Ben Switzman, Magda van Leeuwen, Owen Pugh, Hannah Lewack, Augie Witkowski,
Prince Jones, Themi Frangias.
(Others might have donated online, but we won’t know unless you tell Eric or me.)
As I’ve said before:
We have a fund-raising requirement to be in Club Sports. Direct donation will be our only method this year.
We ask you for a donation of only $20 to the Running Club this school year, not $50. No travel, so just $20. First week is free.
We take cash!
Or you can go to our website <uorunning.com> even though it’s still “under maintenance”. In the upper right corner click on “donate”, then “electronic donation”. We are the “Club Sports Running Fund”. If you donate online, please tell Eric or me when you see us at workout.
(If you did this during fall term, it’s valid for the whole school year.)
Before you do your first run with the group, you MUST submit the online Club registration form.
Here, again, is the link to sign-up.
OUR COVID REQUIREMENTS — (same as fall term!)
— Self-check symptoms before arrival.
— Stay away from the walkway next to rec center. We will meet on the field wherever there are no other groups.
— Maintain 10 feet social distance at daily meeting and all running on fields.
— Leave bags/gear at daily meeting with clear separation. Better to not bring it!
— Wear a face covering/mask at daily meeting and wear it while running on campus.
— Run alone or in pairs while crossing campus, no grouping.
— Avoid pedestrians on sidewalks and at corners! Make it clear that our runners are trying to keep distanced from people!
DAILY LEADER — (same as fall term)
Eric Beyerle or I will oversee our group. We…
— will ask if you’ve done a self-check for symptoms and will observe.
— will keep a daily attendance list for contact tracing purposes.
— will have a box of masks.
— will stay on the field until all runners have returned and will oversee runners until they leave practice.
— will encourage suggestions from runners.
The UO coaching staff is hosting a very small “open” cross country meet at Lane CC on Friday, February 5, but it appears only NCAA athletes are allowed. For now, we are not.
There is a second meet on the UO intercollegiate schedule. It is hosted by Lane CC on the same course, February 19, and is listed as the Lane XC Invitational. If all of the six invited collegiate teams can’t compete, we might be invited.
We hope to find out on February 4th…
Oregon State hopes to host outdoor track meets this year. Winter term meets:
CANCELLED BY COUNTY — Friday, February 12, OSU Winter Opener – 5K and 3K
CANCELLED BY COUNTY — Saturday, February 13, OSU Winter Opener – Hammer, Shot, HJ, LJ, 100/110H, 200, 400, 4 x 400 – Anticipate less than 10 teams
— Saturday, March 13 OSU Dual or Tri meet – teams TBD – limited events
OSU is determining its “COVID protocol logistics” which might entail a negative COVID test within 48 hours of the meet. And Benton County must approved the meet.
You would likely have to run unattached, pay your own entry fee, provide your own transportation.
Tom Heinonen
cell: 541-954-0263
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